Welcome Back & Recap
I hope everyone enjoyed their well deserved Spring Break. As a group, we worked hard, right up to the last day prior to the spring recess, so I hope everyone enjoyed themselves during their week off. I did manage do do some work (marking parts, score study, typing up comments, etc) over break, but ultimately, I did more of
I hope everyone enjoyed their well deserved Spring Break. As a group, we worked hard, right up to the last day prior to the spring recess, so I hope everyone enjoyed themselves during their week off. I did manage do do some work (marking parts, score study, typing up comments, etc) over break, but ultimately, I did more of
Ramona Recap
To recap, both our groups received "Excellent" ratings in Ramona, and I was/am very happy with our effort. I posted some thoughts right afterwards on our Facebook group, so feel free to take a look. Also, I took time to type up all comments and scores from the adjudicators, which I will distribute to students (and anyone else who would like to see them, just email me). We will talk about some of the comments, which were absolutely right on, on Tuesday (we have coaches on Monday).
I've been to festival many times, and I can say that our adjudicators were spot on in their comments, and I am looking forward to getting back to work.
This Week
We will start preparations for our May 30th Spring Concert this week. Our groups will be playing new music, so be prepared to dig right back in and get to work. We want to apply the things we have been working on this semester so that we can have a great final concert for this year.
That (preparation) starts for many of our students on Monday afternoon, with rehearsal from 4:30 - 6:30. Yes, it's a half hour later (to accomodate our athletes more effectively), but we discussed this before break. See you there for the first step in the preparation process.
Other Items Which Do Not Require Complete Sentences
To recap, both our groups received "Excellent" ratings in Ramona, and I was/am very happy with our effort. I posted some thoughts right afterwards on our Facebook group, so feel free to take a look. Also, I took time to type up all comments and scores from the adjudicators, which I will distribute to students (and anyone else who would like to see them, just email me). We will talk about some of the comments, which were absolutely right on, on Tuesday (we have coaches on Monday).
I've been to festival many times, and I can say that our adjudicators were spot on in their comments, and I am looking forward to getting back to work.
This Week
We will start preparations for our May 30th Spring Concert this week. Our groups will be playing new music, so be prepared to dig right back in and get to work. We want to apply the things we have been working on this semester so that we can have a great final concert for this year.
That (preparation) starts for many of our students on Monday afternoon, with rehearsal from 4:30 - 6:30. Yes, it's a half hour later (to accomodate our athletes more effectively), but we discussed this before break. See you there for the first step in the preparation process.
Other Items Which Do Not Require Complete Sentences
- Friday, April 12th - Quartet Nouveau Workshop Lab at the Hammond Ashley Violin Shop (NOTE: I am thrilled to see so many students participating in this fantastic workshop. I attend regularly, but will be unavailable on Friday as I am judging a festival that afternoon/evening - so good luck everyone).
- Block Schedule - Mira Mesa High School will begin block scheduling soon to accomodate the testing schedule. Just know that our regular schedule will soon be altered.
- Spring Concert - May 30th here at Mira Mesa High School. Amazingly, with all of the construction this year, it will be the first time this year our orchestras have had a chance to perform on campus in the newly renovated auditorium (with acoustical shells, etc).
- Area Concert - There may be an area concert the week before our regular spring concert, depending on if we can get all the participating schools schedules to line up accordingly.
- Thank You - Thank you to all students who elected to participate in our most recent fundraising effort. With zero annual budget, anything you can do to help is always appreciated.