BBC Concert Orchestra
Quick Recap
Even thought last week was a short week (with no school on Friday), I believe it served as a perfect example of what can be achieved when we work together as students, teachers, families, and community members.
A quick review of last week shows: (1) the complete and entire funding of a DonorsChoose.org resource project, (2) Monday coachings with the best string players around, (3) Wednesday sessions with members of the San Diego Symphony (many of whom also happen to teach at San Diego State University), (4) continued sectional work on Monday afternoon, (5) pit orchestra rehearsals on both Wednesday and Friday, and (6) an incredible opportunity on Friday evening to not only attend the BBC Concert Orchestra performance at Copley Symphony Hall, but also meet the conductor and sit in on rehearsal.
Really, there is no other program in San Diego that can offer the depth and breadth of opportunities like Mira Mesa. So, to everyone who helped make last week possible - Thank You!
A Note of Thanks
For those students and parents who would like to be able to extend a note of thanks themselves, please consider emailing Mr. Jacob Lapré, Educational Coordinator at the La Jolla Music Society. The La Jolla Music Society has been, without question, our most involved and influential partner in music education.
Also, I am sure they would love you to "Like" their Facebook page and even leave a note of thanks on their timeline!
Even thought last week was a short week (with no school on Friday), I believe it served as a perfect example of what can be achieved when we work together as students, teachers, families, and community members.
A quick review of last week shows: (1) the complete and entire funding of a DonorsChoose.org resource project, (2) Monday coachings with the best string players around, (3) Wednesday sessions with members of the San Diego Symphony (many of whom also happen to teach at San Diego State University), (4) continued sectional work on Monday afternoon, (5) pit orchestra rehearsals on both Wednesday and Friday, and (6) an incredible opportunity on Friday evening to not only attend the BBC Concert Orchestra performance at Copley Symphony Hall, but also meet the conductor and sit in on rehearsal.
Really, there is no other program in San Diego that can offer the depth and breadth of opportunities like Mira Mesa. So, to everyone who helped make last week possible - Thank You!
A Note of Thanks
For those students and parents who would like to be able to extend a note of thanks themselves, please consider emailing Mr. Jacob Lapré, Educational Coordinator at the La Jolla Music Society. The La Jolla Music Society has been, without question, our most involved and influential partner in music education.
Also, I am sure they would love you to "Like" their Facebook page and even leave a note of thanks on their timeline!

Collaboration with Professionals
Our Schedule This Week
Have a great week!
- Monday - No School. I hope you practiced this weekend!
- Tuesday - Jazz Band; SDUSD Honor Band & Orchestra rehearsal at Mira Mesa High School from 6:00 - 9:00 (early is on time)
- Wednesday - Pit Orchestra rehearsal after school
- Thursday - Jazz Band after school
Have a great week!