The 2020-21 academic year will require a great deal of flexibility and adaptability -- from students, parents, and teachers alike.
Simply stated, there are a few options for us to choose from with respect to the structure of the orchestra program for Quarters 1 & 2 (Fall 2020) and we want to be sure that we make the best choice for our students, program, and community. Scheduling in Quarters 3 & 4 (Spring 2021) currently look more familiar.
With that in mind, a digital meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow evening, August 26th, at 6PM. If you have been a part of our program previously (or have had the opportunity to share time with us), you know that input solicited heavily influences the decisions we make as a group.
A direct link for the meeting tomorrow evening has been placed in Google Classroom and will be forwarded separately to parents of incoming ninth grade students.
Please do attend tomorrow evening if you are able and share your thoughts as they will very much impact decisions made at Mira Mesa High School.
Thank you!
Simply stated, there are a few options for us to choose from with respect to the structure of the orchestra program for Quarters 1 & 2 (Fall 2020) and we want to be sure that we make the best choice for our students, program, and community. Scheduling in Quarters 3 & 4 (Spring 2021) currently look more familiar.
With that in mind, a digital meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow evening, August 26th, at 6PM. If you have been a part of our program previously (or have had the opportunity to share time with us), you know that input solicited heavily influences the decisions we make as a group.
A direct link for the meeting tomorrow evening has been placed in Google Classroom and will be forwarded separately to parents of incoming ninth grade students.
Please do attend tomorrow evening if you are able and share your thoughts as they will very much impact decisions made at Mira Mesa High School.
Thank you!